Myofascial therapy

Find inner connection and quietude along with relief of chronic muscle pain with gentle hands-on therapy. The slow unwinding of myofascial bodywork brings you into your true home as a flexible, openhearted being. The somatic approach to myofascial therapy increases the suppleness of your tissues by nourishing and waking up their vitality. The quality of touch ranges from gentle vibration to firm, continuous contact.

What are your goals for a session?

Reduce tension & chronic pain 

At any time in your life, you can find relief from chronic aches and pains while restoring tone. Myofascial therapy can be bundled with Body Ready Method® (BRM®) alignment activities to build strength, flexibility and balance.

Relieve stress

Our bodies carry the stress of daily life and major events. We may face big changes, whether in our work in the world, in relationships or within ourselves.  You can foster adaptability and calm in your life when you are carrying a lot. 

Make connections for yourself

Somatic myofascial touch helps us to waken to our own inner worlds of flow and rhythm, where activity unfolds in quietude. Mindfulness practices grounded in the body help us make authentic choices. Whether one is seeking to awaken presence, to dismantle habituated patterns, or to heal painful experiences, a somatic approach serves to move us through to a new view on this ever changing life.

Support for childbearing

Myofascial therapy for childbearing women helps you prepare for birth with better alignment, to relieve pain during pregnancy, and to connect with your baby growing inside. Postpartum, you can reconnect with yourself to balance self care while mothering others.

What to expect in a myofascial therapy session

What Catherine brings