Spinning Babies® Private Sessions

Individualized support for you and your partner addresses your personal concerns and fits into your busy schedule. Various class and bodywork combinations are available for families to prepare for birth.

Private Spinning Babies Parent Class

Arrange your private Spinning Babies Parent Class for an in-person class with time for all your questions. In your personal Parent Class, couples learn daily essentials that create more comfort in pregnancy. You learn solo activities and your partner learns hands-on how to help you now and for birth with comprehensive written materials. Couples have more confidence, knowing what to do when at birth.

Myofascial bodywork combined with Spinning Babies Parent Class 

Your Spinning Babies Aware bodywork practitioner can bring added release with hands-on myofascial therapy that complements your Spinning Babies Parent Class. Discounted packages available for:

Myofascial bodywork sessions release muscles, ligaments, and fascia

Spinning Babies recommends myofascial therapy when:

  • you’re feeling aches and pains in your pregnancy
  • you have had chronic pain in your back or hips, even before becoming pregnant
  • you want to be assured that your body is in the best balance & alignment as you approach birth
  • you are 28+ weeks, and your baby is in a difficult position
  • you had a prior difficult birth that was very long, or your baby got stuck
  • you have done Spinning Babies home activities for a week and you still feel muscle discomfort anywhere around your belly, hips, legs, torso, back, neck, or head


Personalized bodywork & education sessions

Body Ready Method®

While Spinning Babies offers a general program of activities that widely benefit many women at birth,  Body Ready Method® (BRM®)  individualizes activities to create your personalized home program. Both rely on physiology, not force, and balanced alignment for birth.

Spinning Babies Belly mapping session

Listen to your inner voice and your baby as a powerful practice of trust in your body’s intelligence for your coming birth. In a Spinning Babies Belly mapping session during the final months of your pregnancy, you can identify the position of your baby through your own sensations of their movement. We’ll draw a simple sketch of your baby on your belly, and we’ll take photos as a keepsake. Combine with a myofascial bodywork session in third trimester for special self care and the memories.

Breech balancing program

If your baby is breech, arrange for a comprehensive Breech balancing program. Sessions include a couples’ session drawing from Spinning Babies and tailored Body Ready Method activities, along with myofascial bodywork. Make space for your baby to have their best shot at moving into a head down position.

Easier birth second time around

We are excited to announce that baby Mitchell made his presence earthside. My water broke; then I felt some big rolls and movements. Somewhere between home and the hospital he moved to the left side. Labor was slow to start, but after a membrane sweep the next day, I’m so happy to say it worked! I then had a wonderfully unmedicated birth free of further interventions.


Strategies for labor

Thank you so much for your Spinning Babies instruction. We felt very prepared and consciously used lots of strategies in early labor when I could think, and with my husband and doula, used other strategies later in labor. I spontaneously used lots of hip dips and lunges which was cool to reflect on and understand why my body was wanting to do that. We had a great birth and thank you for your role in it!

– Megan and Nick

What Catherine brings


Registered Somatic Movement Therapist

Catherine helps pregnant women tap into their inner resources, developing awareness and connection with their baby. She draws on her years of experience as a doula, bodyworker, and parent educator for insight into the journey that mothers and babies undergo from pregnancy, through birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding. She has supported childbearing women and babies for decades with effective hands-on therapies and education.

Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator

With a solid background of doula support, Catherine brings extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology in pregnancy and birth to provide parent education. She holds a warm circle of understanding for women becoming mothers and couples becoming parents.


 Spinning Babies® Aware Bodywork Practitioner

Catherine specializes in prenatal myofascial techniques as a bodyworker, including movement, alignment, and partner support. She has trained with Gina Kirby Garcia in use of the rebozo for childbearing women, who continues the lineage of Central American midwives’ invaluable traditional practices.

Certified Body Ready Method® Pro

Body Ready Method® individualizes the approach of relying on physiology, not force, for an easier birth and more comfortable pregnancy. Catherine is a certified Body Ready Method® Pro who tailors movement and alignment activities for each woman.

Full credentials