Baby’s descent during the birth is a big movement project for him. Your best options for easing labor are to move – or to be moved.

You know that the muscles of your uterus are well designed to propel your baby down and out. The upper two-thirds of the uterine muscles are extraordinarily strong, while the lower segment softens with the cervix. Among the upper muscles are circular fibers that rotate your baby through the small maze of your pelvis. In combination with your baby’s movements, the circular muscles help your baby align well to his snug passages.

You can listen to your body/mind to move through your labor. Your helpers, partner or doula, support your movement and suggest many ways to bring your baby down.

If you end up with an epidural, ask your doula or your partner to rotate you a quarter turn every 30 minutes. When an epidural is administered, it may slow down labor because the circular uterine muscles relax along with the rest of your lower body. Your baby may not descend steadily, even with all the work of your labor. Rotating mama will help baby be able to reposition as she comes down through each part of the pelvis.

Along with rotation you can sense your baby moving in her journey. You can talk to her about your blessed work together. Assure her you will move in whatever way she needs to help her come through.