We’re in Vagus now!

When we are in a happy place with the vagus nerve, the world is good. But when the vagus is unhappy, we are in tears and tantrums. So what and where is vagus? Not far away, I assure you. The vagus nerve runs the show on the most basic states of the nervous system. We...

On target

Your baby loves to look at target shapes – but those abstract circles to hang over the crib are not what he needs. Look at your own beautiful self. Here, you will find the juicy target shapes that your baby wants to gaze upon. Nipples, eyes and faces What could...

Power of push

Young children have a mandate to master their world through direct action. How often you have you seen your toddler try to push the full shopping cart – and be crushed if you don’t let them? Push activities not only create strength, but also give your...

Body maps

The moveable feast From your baby’s first days of swimming in utero and throughout early childhood, he is developing body maps that give him a secure sense of self – and his first math skills. As your child moves, her little brain is receiving a feast of...